About NEO

In a world that's rapidly changing where a singularity seems to occurr not only in Ray Kurzweil point of view we have to understand what's going on in the forthcoming 50 years to drive changes in the right direction. It's a crucial point for human being. In a few decades A.I. will reach human brain capabilities opening a new world of opportunities and ethical issues. Most likely despite of many sci-fi literature our society will become more peaceful  instead of becoming an intergalactical imperial military society as many novels and movies suggest. In the same way we will not fight against machines, who will contrast human beings trying to overtake us, but most likely we will merge with technology. Some sort of this changes are already happening. With no doubt we are in the decade of the “cloud”. Every data and calculation is stored on the cloud accessible every where  on the most different devices and we are beginning to interact with machines by voice and A.I. as Siri, google now,  dragon dictation and the most advanced computer of IBM known as Watson. Our mind is extending its skills by linking to the cloud in this new way. Information is always available. We started rethinking our brain skills from last decade when google introduced its search engine, since than we no longer try to remember things , instead we try to remember where to retrieve informations. That's a radical change because we don't waste time anymore seeking information doing heavy calculation but we use our brain neocortex to solve our  complex logical theories and abstract thinking.  We can assume that in a near future by brain implants or nanotechnologies we will physically improve our brain evolving in a non biological way for now. This in the meanwhile will allow human kind to improve biological retro engineering knowledge so that we will be capable of reinventing our selves even biologically. This will disclose a number of ethical questions. Wich is the line,the border between ethical and non ethical matters? In the same time we will move to solar energy oriented planet. It's clear right now that fossil fuel is not our answer to energetic demand. Right now solar energy cost more than coal energy but in 5 years it will be equal. In less tha a decade solar energy will be much more convenient. At that point many thing will change, first of all because we have a plants of hours of free irradiation every day, second but not less important solar energy won't let us be anymore an isolated system according to the 2nd low of thermodynamics so that we'll no more increase entropy. We will face also a significant life extension become of the next coming technologies in medicine but even due to our changing of lifestyle. As reported in many demographic studies life time as increased rapidly in the last century and the phenomenon is speeding up. A life extension will be due to robotics, prosthetics, nanotechnologies, regenerating techniques, genetic manipulation ad more. As we will live longer as we will face new emerging hillness due to aging, we'll also encounter  an overpopulation issue related even to a significant increase of energetic  demand. Except for long term space colonization we still live in a finite world and our most important resource, as explained by Ramez Naan, is ideas. That will be our infinite resource even to face the upcoming problem of industrial robotics shift from human resources. While we are evolving industries are shifting production to emerging countries, but when they will become richer and will claim human and social rights robotics will be the global answer. The scenario is that we will work few ours a day. Industrial companies and government of most countries have to assume that we have to change our way of thinking and doing politics. No right or left parties just forward straight to the future. Companies should self tax to sustain a social salary to let workers have a better life style even working less. Sustaining workers mean have more potential customers.. We have also to face potential cultural divide due to acceleration, we have to avoid people to be left behind by powering networking all over the globe and push  open source software, some openleft knowledge and some revisitaion of patent lows without affecting innovating companies from growth. We have to assume that we are becoming a worldwide huge country. As it happened  in the past when Italy shifted from Middle Ages citadels to a one country after Risorgimento.  We have to share ideas to spread them. We no longer take part of a cluster by geographic determination. We make clusters by interest. That will radically change politics even because social network are taking in evidence micro clusters that will claim every kind of matter. Maybe one day we will have a confederation of countries among the globe where clusters and corporations will express themselves by interests and no more as traditional parties.
Who will be the first to ride this changes, to drive them in the right directions will lead to create a better society in the future. That's what N.E.O. Is meant to be.  We want to open discussions, round tables, conferences worldwide to find out, with as more people as we can, the guidelines to lead us in a better world n this crucial moment of human history. It's a huge ambitious and crazy project, but only crazy ones can really change the world.

2 commenti:

  1. L'uomo e la tecnologia sono interdipendenti , e' vero. Ma non sempre la Ragione determina i cambiamenti; a volte la Ragione e' succube delle passioni che la spingono su strade , anche tenologiche, che servono passioni distruttive, come il massimo potere, il massimo interesse economico, un narcisismo deleterio. I Grandi Utopisti ,come Moro e Campanella lo sapevano ,ed immaginavano Citta' del Sole governate da saggi , e religiosi.La tecnologia non e' neutra , e'un prodotto dell'uomo e puo' camminare in tante direzioni.cosi' la religione . La tecnologia per essere scientifica deve essere falsificabile. La Democrazia, i Diritti Civili, la Liberta' di Pensiero , possono svelare i trucchi e le cattivepassioni dell'uomo per non farlo cadere in un vicolo cieco.Sono cose importantissime tanto quanto la tecnologia.

  2. Sono qui per testimoniare al mondo la bontà di David Muhammed
    ero stufo di herpes1 e 2 e stavo cercando aiuto quello
    mi aiuterà, conoscerne uno che mi aiuterà, quando il mio amico mi parlerà di David
    Muhammed e mi ha dato la sua e-mail e l'ho contattato, e glielo dico
    il mio problema, mi ha detto che ha la cura a base di erbe per l'herpes1 e 2 i
    era così felice di sentirlo e mi ha anche fatto riferimento a molte persone
    aiuta anche con la cura a base di erbe, ero così felice che ci sia cura per
    questo herpes1 e 2 ho richiesto per il prodotto nei prossimi 4 giorni il
    Erbe era al mio posto negli Stati Uniti, l'ho preso secondo le sue istruzioni
    dopo tutto e sono andato in ospedale per fare il controllo e il risultato
    è stato negativo e ne sono rimasto molto contento, gli ho inviato nuovamente un'email e ringrazio
    lui e io volevamo pagarlo, ha detto che avrei dovuto prendere i miei soldi
    via, mi ha detto che avrei dovuto parlare di lui al mondo, quindi lo sono ora
    qui per dire al mondo come David Muhammed mi ha salvato la vita, è un uomo
    con la propria destinazione puoi credere in lui con la tua vita e lui
    ti darà un buon risultato, eseguirà anche tutti i tipi di malattia come
     Incantesimo di soldi
    Incantesimo della porzione di salute
    Promozione nel mondo degli affari
    Incantesimo di attrazione
    Strega a casa
    Incantesimo ex
    Incantesimo di guaritore spirituale
    Incantesimo d'amore
    Incantesimo della lotteria
    Incantesimo di gravidanza
    Incantesimo di promozione
    Incantesimo di matrimonio
    Incantesimo anima gemella
    Incantesimo di protezione
    HIV / AIDS
    Rimanere incinta
    Cura qualsiasi tipo di malattia corporea
    contattalo tramite la sua email
    indirizzo: oppure puoi anche contattarlo su WhatsApp +1501
